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Mattern Assists Texas-Based Law Firm in Consolidating Offsite Records Storage, Securing a 16% Cost Reduction Through Strategic Contract Negotiations

A prominent Texas-based law firm with over 260 attorneys and a 70+ year history enlisted Mattern’s expertise to address escalating offsite records storage costs. The firm sought a strategic solution to manage its paper records efficiently, aiming to reduce storage expenses and ultimately eliminate the need for offsite storage altogether.

A prominent Texas-based law firm with over 260 attorneys and a 70+ year history enlisted Mattern’s expertise to address escalating offsite records storage costs. The firm sought a strategic solution to manage its paper records efficiently, aiming to reduce storage expenses and ultimately eliminate the need for offsite storage altogether.

The firm faced several frustrations with its three current service providers, including rising costs and the prohibitive expense of file destruction. Though the firm had ceased sending paper records offsite, its existing inventory remained a significant challenge.

Having assisted numerous law firms with similar issues, Mattern was well-positioned to help. The goal was to implement an electronic-first approach, reducing reliance on paper while optimizing cost management.

At the outset, Mattern collaborated closely with the firm to understand its objectives, which included:
- Developing a cost-effective strategy to reduce or eliminate storage expenses
- Consolidating service providers
- Negotiating improved destruction terms in offsite contracts
- Enhancing overall contract terms
- Addressing the firm’s relationship with Iron Mountain

Using Mattern’s proprietary Mattern Method® Benchmark, the firm’s current costs were assessed against industry standards, revealing significant savings opportunities. Based on this analysis, the firm engaged Mattern to manage the Request for Proposal (RFP) process, recognizing that a competitive bidding process could drive down costs.

Mattern requested proposals from two incumbent providers; however, the third provider declined to adjust its pricing or terms, leaving the firm with a clear path forward.

After reviewing proposals and conducting interviews, the firm consolidated its entire records inventory with GRM under a seven-year contract, achieving substantial cost savings. Simultaneously, Mattern negotiated a settlement with Iron Mountain, which held the largest portion of the firm’s inventory.

Despite the firm’s eight-month struggle to resolve the matter independently, Mattern successfully secured a favorable settlement, enabling a smoother transition.

Mattern negotiated more favorable contract terms, including a much-needed destruction allowance critical to the firm’s long-term strategy. The new contract also introduced detailed service-level penalties for delays in orders, deliveries, and pickups, providing additional protection for the firm.

Over the seven-year contract period, the firm will realize a 16% cost reduction, with Mattern’s fees fully offset by the savings generated. Mattern continues to oversee invoicing and contract compliance, ensuring a seamless records consolidation process and effective management of destruction allowances in the first year.

The firm’s Chief Operating Officer reflected on the successful outcome:
"Mattern was excellent. Very good outcome and deliverables. We made great strides with the offsite storage contract and planned destruction of boxes/records."

Mattern is proud to have helped the firm achieve its cost-saving and operational efficiency goals, securing a more streamlined and cost-effective offsite records management strategy.

A prominent Texas-based law firm with over 260 attorneys and a 70+ year history enlisted Mattern’s expertise to address escalating offsite records storage costs. The firm sought a strategic solution to manage its paper records efficiently, aiming to reduce storage expenses and ultimately eliminate the need for offsite storage altogether.

Mattern Assists Texas-Based Law Firm in Consolidating Offsite Records Storage, Securing a 16% Cost Reduction Through Strategic Contract Negotiations

Mattern Assists Texas-Based Law Firm in Consolidating Offsite Records Storage, Securing a 16% Cost Reduction Through Strategic Contract Negotiations

Headquartered in Charlotte, this well-established 275-attorney firm with 8 offices serves clients throughout the southeast and Washington, DC.  The firm had multiple offsite records providers serving location-specific offices.  In an all-too-familiar scenario, a larger provider which housed a significant portion of the firm’s records had recently been purchased by another provider, the result of which had caused the firm’s service to go from bad to worse - including missing boxes - raising serious doubts as to the accuracy of the firm’s inventory.

Mattern Helps Regional Firm Consolidate Vendors, Increase Destruction Limits, and Win a Significant 31% Savings in Offsite Records Costs

Mattern Helps Regional Firm Consolidate Vendors, Increase Destruction Limits, and Win a Significant 31% Savings in Offsite Records Costs

With more than 80 attorneys, Woods Rogers PLC is one of the largest law firms in Virginia.

In 2020, the firm’s offsite records storage contract with their national provider was coming up for renewal.  After a complimentary benchmark by Mattern, Woods Rogers’ leadership knew their pricing and terms could be dramatically improved.

Mattern Helps Woods Rogers Find a Way Out of Prohibitive Offsite Storage Contract at No Cost to the Firm

Mattern Helps Woods Rogers Find a Way Out of Prohibitive Offsite Storage Contract at No Cost to the Firm

Pierce Atwood LLP is a multi-service law firm based in New England with over 160 attorneys in six offices in the northeast U.S. The firm utilized Mattern in the past to complete a competitive request for proposal process for their outsourcing services.

Pierce Atwood Turns Again to Mattern to Assist with Incumbent Outsourcing Renewal and Achieves 17% Savings

Pierce Atwood Turns Again to Mattern to Assist with Incumbent Outsourcing Renewal and Achieves 17% Savings

With nearly 400 attorneys across 24 domestic offices, this Southeast-based Am Law 200 firm had a firm-wide initiative to examine and strategically reduce back-office expenses.

Southeast-based Am Law 200 Firm Leverages Mattern to Find Savings and Improved Services in Office Supplies

Southeast-based Am Law 200 Firm Leverages Mattern to Find Savings and Improved Services in Office Supplies

This 350 attorney, New York-based firm is one of the leading law firms serving the financial services sector.

Mattern’s Contract Compliance Delivers Savings, Captures Headcount Reduction of 27% for Am Law 200 Firm

Mattern’s Contract Compliance Delivers Savings, Captures Headcount Reduction of 27% for Am Law 200 Firm

This 45-attorney, Northern California firm sought to improve costs and contract terms and conditions for its offsite records storage as well as on-site services including thousands of square feet of basement records storage, shredding services and also address an overall need to develop an information governance (IG) program that would allow for the defensible destruction of decades worth of records.

Northern California Firm Improves Information Governance Program and Reduces Offsite Records Storage Costs, Achieving High 6-Figure Savings

Northern California Firm Improves Information Governance Program and Reduces Offsite Records Storage Costs, Achieving High 6-Figure Savings

Marshall Dennehey is a highly regarded Am Law 200 firm with 500 attorneys across seven states. They have been practicing law for over 60 years and are one of the nation’s largest law firms devoted to civil defense litigation.

Mattern Helps Marshall Dennehey Reduce Office Supplies Spend by 33%

Mattern Helps Marshall Dennehey Reduce Office Supplies Spend by 33%

This Am Law 200 firm with 312 attorneys in 18 offices engaged Mattern in 2014 to analyze and make recommendations to improve the firm’s offsite records and ultimately lead a Request for Proposal (RFP) process and contract negotiation.

Mattern Helps Am Law 200 Firm Enhance Value of Offsite Records Contract with Ongoing Contract Compliance

Mattern Helps Am Law 200 Firm Enhance Value of Offsite Records Contract with Ongoing Contract Compliance

This Boston-based firm had approximately 3,000 cubic feet of files in storage with a national off-site records storage vendor the firm had targeted for destruction prior to the pandemic.

Mattern Reduces Records Destruction Costs by 62.5% for Boston Firm

Mattern Reduces Records Destruction Costs by 62.5% for Boston Firm

In 2022, Mattern was selected to evaluate traditional outsourcing services in 4 of its 19 offices for this Michigan-based Am Law 200 firm with more than 450 attorneys.

Mattern Helps Am Law 200 Firm Reshape Outsourcing Strategy for Substantial Savings and Wins Six-Figure Signing Incentive

Mattern Helps Am Law 200 Firm Reshape Outsourcing Strategy for Substantial Savings and Wins Six-Figure Signing Incentive

This Global 100/Am Law 100 firm has 700 attorneys and 13 domestic offices and had previously engaged Mattern to negotiate the firm’s offsite records contract, achieving solid results; however, when it came to renewal time, the firm’s long-standing provider proposed an increase in storage and service costs of up to 13% each year of the new term—an offer leadership felt could be better.

Mattern Turns Offsite Records Contract Renewal Into Significant Win for Global 100/Am Law 100 Firm, Incumbent Pays Fees

Mattern Turns Offsite Records Contract Renewal Into Significant Win for Global 100/Am Law 100 Firm, Incumbent Pays Fees

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